Hey Beautiful,
It is Tuesday evening already & Wednesday will be peepin it’s eye open at you in NO time! To be honest, which I always am………. wink wink
I hate this time change because it gets dark tooooo muthfuckin early!
Don’t you agree?
Here’s me in the AM:
I wake up
Pee of course, hahaha
Do yoga practice, meditation & mindset work
Make a shake (Keto Friendly of course)
Get a few things finalized and it is already DARK as fuck!
I’m like, seriously, WTF…………
I am sure it’s not just here in TEXAS that experiences the Spring Forward / Fall Back shits and shenanigans.
I remember reading a while back that some parts don’t participate.
Ahhhhhh HELLOOOOOO, how is that possible?????????
Can I chat to the decision maker briefly and convince them having the Spring forward option around a little long hhahahahah
So fucking funny!
Yeah, I’m sure they will agree with me and Say, OK Anna, we will do just that.. but is worth a shot.
Enough of the Time Change and my theory, unless you will join me and we can chat with them together.
I promise we will have so much in the process! Hahah
Ok ok
Let’s get to the real reason you’re here and that is to read my amazing interview with another Gorgeous Texas Gal, like myself hahah
You are gonna love it……. PROMISE
Quick Question:
Have you ever been in a marriage or relationship in the past that has caused you to hit rock bottom and you end up changing your entire life and the way you live it?
O, I have and that is why I started my Women Empowerment Blog, Book and Brand.
In 2016, I had been married almost 20-years and July of that year my husband and I separated. Tons of people in the community and in our family & friend circle didn’t even know we had issues at all.
They actual thought that we were that picture-perfect couple hahaha
To this day, friends and family don’t even know we aren’t together anymore.
(Fouled their asses, hahah)
But to me, having a child involved you want to want to keep everything under control, be the bigger person with no drama or angry outbursts in front of them and keep the environment as healthy as you can.
The reason I am telling you this is, once my husband I separated it got to be a real challenge in all areas of life. I decided to start and roll out my Epic, High Vibe Movement with my Empowerment Blog 01/01/2017. This would be my outlet to help, educate, inspire, encourage and empower other women in all situations and scenarios, either like mine, newlyweds, serious relationships or looking to start one. I adore celebrating the power, drive and determination of women which I do on my blog by interviewing hotttttttt, successful, prestigious, ambitious women that have a mission to spread their message to the masses, no matter the age, nationality, sexual preference, or stage in their journey (starting or retiring), Married, Dating, Separated, Divorced what the fuck ever. It does not matter because when you have a passion, a driving force so strong, a message to speak- it will be ooozzzzing out of everything you do, say and a part of.
Another thing that I must mention is, To me Women Empowerment is empowering any and everything around them, not just about only women having their own scared place, voice, rights and successes. We need to celebrate each other and not give our power way by disempowering men or their partners.
(No fucking way!)
In my opinion, That isn’t it at all and we could spend hours having a battle of the sexes or how we have been done wrong by one gender or the other. I am sure we cause have all been there in some point of our journey.
You will see what I am talking about with some of the amazing ladies I interview in my blog/book and their relationships. It is so contagious and definitely a dream of mine to have a partner behind you 💯 no matter what project or thing you involved with at the time. There is nothing more empowering and fucking sexy than having your partner backs you 100%, enhance you, compliment you, your both raw, real, open and authentic
My next featured interview does just this in every area in her life… …………………………………………………
Hold the phone BABE!!!
I am soooooooo excited to introduce my next interview, not just because she was born and raised in Katy, TEXAS and drop dead GORGGGGGGGGGG, but because she is so fucking contagious that she will have you hanging onto her every word!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ooooooooooo and her red or fuchsia lip color is soooooooo stunning on her.
This gorgeous #texasmom has the ability to capture your attention & heart in an instant with her charm, beauty, sass and many talents! I absolutely love how she incorporates her lil cutie (Harlow Monroe) into everything she does, it’s that #texasmom quality and how could you not, Harlow is so freaking Precious!
She has a natural sisterhood quality which you will see below in some of the photo’s I have included of her TRIBE!
- Photo By Nola Fontanez
- Photo By Nola Fontanez
- Photo By Nola Fontanez
- Photo By Nola Fontanez
- Photo By Nola Fontanez
- Photo By Nola Fontanez
- Photo By Nola Fontanez
Above is an amazing photo shoot by Nola Fontanez Photography of Kim and here precious family!
Be Inspired and EMPOWERED By Kim Caldwell:
Featured Entrepreneur: Kim Caldwell
Interviewed by: Anna De La Rosa
Episode # 42
Q1. What did you want to be growing up?
I grew up in Katy, Texas doing rodeo beauty pageants! All I needed was a stage and a microphone for the talent competition portion because I just wanted to sing! My dream was to be a professional country singer like Wynona Judd! Being a finalist on American Idol and releasing an album on Capitol Records wasn’t too shabby though. My passion became hosting TV show though. It’s my thang.
Q2. You have done so many outstanding things in your life could you briefly tell us all how you have gotten to this point in your life?
With the support of my mom! She’s been my guiding light and my constant support system since I was very young. She still to this day is my biggest fan, even though my husband fights for that title. She helped me achieve many of my dreams like winning Star Search to being a mom myself. She’s been there through it all lifting me up and encouraging me that I am made for this.
Q3. Not only are you a Texas gal like me but you are totally contagious babe, Give us 5 fun facts people might not know about you?
- I hold the most number of wins on the original Ed McMahons Star Search for Junior Vocalists.
- I only shop consignment or thrift and I love a good flea market. Oh and Target of course. I am a hardcore bargain shopper.
- My dream is to have a lake house in Austin, TX. I would just eat boiled crawfish and drink beer and jet ski around all day.
- I cut, color, and style my own hair (even for TV and Red Carpets) and so fortunate to share my tips and tricks through my own column in the number one selling beauty magazine in the world, Sophisticates Hairstyle Guide Mag.
- I have dance parties to Disney theme songs with my husband and two year old daughter almost every night before bedtime.
Q4. What is one of your most treasured accomplishments?
Being a mom for sure. It’s been the hardest and most rewarding job. She makes me crazy but also makes me tear up with pride almost once a day. She’s such a feisty little ham. I’m so proud to be her mom.
Q5. What is your favorite quote?
Everything happens for a reason. I am extremely close with my 90 year old, Great Grandma, Willa, and she has always reminded me to never forget that when life feels out of control. All will happen as it’s supposed to so take a deep breath and hold on for the ride.
Q6. Do you have a morning routine or workout?
I am in the middle of potty training so I wake up early to rush in to help my girl to the bathroom before she wets the bed! She’s kicking major butt. Never imagined I would be so thrilled about poop and pee pee. I am forcing myself to make more of a commitment to working out.
We just moved to LA from Vancouver because my hubby is now on the new Major League Soccer team LAFC and I haven’t got into a routine yet. I tried Training Mate, high intensity interval training and I LOVE it. My bff happens to be a spin instructor at the Sweat Shoppe so that helps too. But the most routine thing I have going on now is making toasted waffles for my girl and eating her left overs with my giant coffee.
Q7. Over the years, do you believe there is some sort of pattern or formula to becoming successful?
Please share with our tribe of Women, one piece of advice you have received which has helped you throughout your journey up to this point?
All you have to do is try. The worst thing they are going to say is “no”. So what? I have honestly heard no more than yes in my life. Every success story starts with a taking a chance. Instead of a hope it has to become a MUST! Get it done. Make a checklist. And starting checking things off the list all the way to the bank.
Q8. How do you handle workload stress and juggle all the hats you wear?
Wine. Lots of wine. And sometimes a good cry. My husband is pretty great at just letting me unload sometimes and then telling me it’s all gonna be ok. And it always is. Wine and crying. Totally helps.
Q9. If you could talk to one woman from history, who would it be and why?
Marilyn Monroe. Tell me all your secrets! I want to know everything. What did she eat, her favorite drink, who she really had sex with. All of it! I named my daughter Harlow Monroe. I’m obsessed.
Q10. I know one thing, you Rock the Red Lip like noooooo other and I love how you wear it nooooo mater what you are doing, lol. How do you keep your body is such amazing shape, Please spill any beauty, workout tips or snacks you swear by?
I use Ponds Face Wipes every night to wash off my makeup. Madison Reed Hair Color is the best box color you will ever buy, I have tried them all. I don’t put salt or sugar on anything. I eat them both for sure but don’t have either one even in my house so it helps. I have a small allergy to gluten which means I kind of stay away from bread and pastas so I go low carb. I love hiking with my sister. Therapy and exercise at the same time. I love Trader Joe’s nut and breakfast packs. Great for on the go. My addiction is Starbucks canned Refreshers. They are my crack.
Q11. What are you currently working on?
Any future collaborations you want to share for 2019?
I am thrilled to be a regular on the Steve Harvey show for his Straight Talk panel where we get down and dirty about sex and relationships. He just won an Emmy for Best Daytime Talkshow Host so fingers crossed for another exciting season in my future!
Q12. Where can we follow you?
TV Host/Producer/Singer
NBC’s ” California Live”
The Kelly Clarkson Show

Q13. What motivates you?
- Seeing other women kicking ass motivates me. I get my drive from watching these fearless females taking risks and reaping the rewards!!!!!!!
- What also usually helps is anyone doubts my ability to succeed in areas that I am working to enhance, makeover, improve or start new.

Anna De La RosaCreator of IG: @empowerwomenquotes
Brand Portfolio:
Website: www.annadelarosa.com
“Empowering Women All Over the World”
Summer 2021 book release: “Empowered Women that Empower Women– Volume 1″
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