Amy Latta Creations
My Darlings,
September is here and you are gonna love my next blog feature.
Like I said in my IG post yesterday, “By now you know that I love interviewing inspiring women that are doing the damn thang!”✍🏽💕🌸🎙
My next interview is doing just that and we will get to have an inside view of the creative tricks she has up her sleeve.
Now let’s dive deep into our amazing interview🖍🎨👩🎨✒️💛🌼✍🏽
🥁Drumroll plz🥁
Welcome the talented Amy Latta and the Queen of Lettering: @amylattacreations
Amy absolutely loves to teach and to share the joy of creating with everyone she “meets,” whether online or in person.
One more thing before we go any further!
I want you to mark your calendar’s for December 7, because she has a new book launching called “Practice Makes Progress!”🖊📚❤️ It will be a perfect stocking stuffer🎄since Christmas will be here in a blink of an eye……….
Amy Latta
Author + Artist at Amy Latta Creations

Photo By: Full Heart Photography
Featured Entrepreneur: Amy Latta – Author + Artist at Amy Latta Creations
Interviewed by: Anna Svetlik De La Rosa
Episode: # 70
Date: 09/09/2021

Photo By: Full Heart Photography
Q1. What did you want to be growing up?
Throughout my childhood, I thought about pursuing a number of careers, including being an astronaut, an actress, a singer, a teacher, a lawyer, a writer, a dancer, and a sign language interpreter. Interestingly enough, I never once imagined the career I actually have, because neither blogging nor hand lettering (as it is today) existed at the time.

Amy Latta Creations
Q2. Tell us all about you and the story of how you have gotten to this point in your life?
When my son Noah was born in 2008, I quit my existing job so I could stay home with him during his early years. As he got old enough for it, we did a ton of arts and crafts together, along with activities to learn the alphabet and more. One day in 2010, as I was looking for a St. Patrick’s Day project we could make, I came across the first craft blog I had ever seen. It was an incredible resource, and I was immediately inspired. I wanted to create something similar where I could share all of our projects and hopefully be a resource for other moms who were trying to entertain and teach their young kids. I threw together a very rough website called One Artsy Mama, and over the next few years, I shared all kinds of DIY projects there. Eventually, it caught the attention of a few craft supply companies who reached out to partner with me, and for the first time, I realized that this little hobby of mine might actually become a source of income. As Noah got older and started school, my focus shifted from kids’ crafts to more grown up types of crafts and home decor projects. I eventually re-branded as Amy Latta Creations to better express what I do and shift the focus from kids’ crafting, Then, in 2015, I was introduced to hand lettering. This new craze, a modern take on calligraphy, was beautiful and I wanted to learn it. As I taught myself, I also started sharing what I was learning on my website, and my readers went crazy for it. As it turns out, there weren’t a whole lot of beginner-level tutorials out there, and my way of explaining things made sense. Over time, my continued tutorials on lettering and hand lettering themed projects became very popular, and led to opportunities for teaching local and national workshops, writing books, and even sharing on television programs like Hallmark Home & Family. I am now considered one of the country’s “hand lettering experts,” as well as a best-selling author, which is still rather unbelievable to me.

Amy Latta Creations – Home & Family

Amy Latta Creations – Home & Family
Q3. What do you think are the three biggest mistakes women make when it comes to achieving their goals?
- First, I think women sometimes feel like they have to choose between their personal life/family and professional life. We sacrifice our professional goals because we don’t believe we can have it all.
- In the same vein, I think another mistake is feeling like our goals are less important than our husband’s goals, or than the expectations placed on us by society to manage the home, etc.
- Finally, I think sometimes we just dream too small!

Amy Latta Creations – Home & Family
Q4. What is one of your most treasured accomplishments?
Of all the things I have created, I think my first book, Hand Lettering for Relaxation, is the accomplishment I treasure the most. I dreamed of writing a book for years, but never truly believed it could become a reality. Then, I won a craft blog award and part of the prize was to pitch a book to a large publishing company. My pitch made it through all but the final level of approval, then it was rejected, because the publisher thought there were already too many lettering books on the market. Rather than giving up, I sought out a different publisher who saw the value in what I had to offer, and together we made a best seller. That original book has sold over 100,000 copies, has been translated into Portuguese, and most importantly, has inspired thousands of people to pursue a creative hobby. Seeing it on shelves and holding it in my hands will never get old!

Amy’s Books
Q5. Tell how you process work load stress or personal stress or just to much coming at you at one time? Ex: Workout/Exercise, Meditation, Journal or all the above.
One of my favorite ways to relax and de-stress is by creating art. Sometimes I hand letter, sometimes I do Bible Journaling, and other times I do paint by number.
Q6. Do you have any beauty secrets?
My advice to any woman is that it’s far more important to focus on developing your character, the inner beauty of honesty, generosity, kindness, and love, than on the outward appearance. Your looks will change over time, but your character is forever.
If you want an outward beauty tip, though, I am a huge fan of Red Aspen nails. My hands are constantly in photos and video for my job, and they make sure I always have a gorgeous manicure.

Meet Pumpkin
Q7. Do you believe there is some sort of pattern or formula to becoming successful, you are killing it?
I don’t. I think each person’s journey is unique. I do think that all entrepreneurs have a few things in common. I think we are resilient, creative, and persistent. Success usually isn’t based on luck, it’s the result of a whole lot of dedication and hard work. You have to be incredibly focused, and you have to be able to take failures in stride, turning them into learning opportunities.

Amy Latta Creations
Q8. If you could speak to one woman from history, who would it be? It can be anyone
I’d love to have a chat with Eliza Hamilton. She was able to accomplish incredible things in a time when women had a lot more limitations on what they were permitted to do. The world knows Alexander Hamilton changed history, but so did Eliza. From giving her input among the founding fathers to raising money for the Washington monument, and founding the first private orphanage in New York City, her life had a major impact too. Plus, we share a heart for adoption, not just in general but as played out in our own families. I think we’d have a lot to talk about.
Q9. Any future collaborations you want to share?
I have a new book launching December 7! It’s called Practice Makes Progress: My Creative Journal, and unlike my other books, it’s not focused just on hand lettering. Instead, it’s for anyone and everyone who wants to discover, explore, and express their creative side. It’s a guided journal with lots of exercises, both on and off the pages, and I cannot wait for it to get out there in the world and start inspiring people!

Hallmarks Home & Family Crew
Q10. Favorites:
- Favorite snack: Popcorn
- Favorite quote:
“Practice makes progress.”
I say this in every workshop I teach, every book I write, and now it’s even my newest title. Let go of the pursuit of perfection and focus on your journey.
- Favorite movie: Hamilton

Photo By: Full Heart Photography
Q11. Do you sing in the shower? Sometimes

Photo By: Full Heart Photography
Q12. I want to have a little fun with ya so my audience can get to know you a little more! You don’t have to be a certain way to be beautiful, successful, smart or talented, just be you👇🏽Check out fun preferences below:
▫️Pick one or the other:
- Gold or Silver:Rose gold
- Gucci or Balenciaga:Gucci
- Dogs or Cats: Dogs
- Sweet or Salty:Sweet
- Summer or winter:Summer
- Pancakes or waffles:Waffles
- Diamonds or Pearls:Diamonds
- Netflix or YouTube:Hallmark Channel on frndly
- Reading Books or Audible Books:Reading physical books
- Instagram or Twitter:Instagram
- Toilet paper: 1 ply or 2 ply: Does anyone really prefer 1 ply, lol? Definitely 2.
- Red or Pink:pink
- Iced Coffee or Hot Coffee:ICED! All day every day
- Comedy Movie or Action Movie:Comedy
Where to connect with Amy👇🏽:
Linktree: HERE
Facebook: HERE
Pinterest: HERE
Instagram: HERE
Website: HERE

Amy Latta’s 2021 Fall Decor Trends
🔌Amy Latta’s PR: Cathy Cardenas
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