Striking Statements
Hey Babes
Goodbye 2021✌🏽
With that said, I wanted to share a few way that can help you get some major results in your business going into 2022.
As I have built all of my businesses and brands over the years, I had moments where I would ask myself when do I expand my team?
Since my business/brands are literally just me, how do I build without losing my authenticity or even start to delegate when I am a control freak?
My next feature provides a powerful combination of Copywriting and Messaging. She uses a relatable, high energy, and intuitive approach to copywriting and Messaging Mentorship to help brilliant entrepreneurs from around the globe enhance the quality and visibility to do just that.
Meet Keasha Lee Ince [En Jeh] – Personal Branding Coaching + Messaging Mentor + Actress + Founder & CEO of Striking Statements
Let’s dive in………💖🎉🌸
Thank you again Keasha for being apart of my journey, my blog and also for joining my various platforms💕

Meet Keasha Lee Ince
Keasha Lee Ince
Personal Branding Coaching + Messaging Mentor + Actress + Founder & CEO of Striking Statements

Meet Keasha Lee Ince
Featured Entrepreneur: Keasha Lee Ince [En Jeh] – Personal Branding Coaching + Messaging Mentor + Actress + Founder & CEO of Striking Statements
Interviewed by: Anna Svetlik De La Rosa
Episode: # 82
Date: 12/30/2021

Meet Keasha Lee Ince
Q1. What did you want to be growing up?
I wanted to be a soap opera actress. I loved how elegant the actors all looked, the juicy storylines, and the fact that a lot of times, acting in the soaps provides great job security!

Meet Keasha Lee Ince
Q2. Tell us all about you and the story of how you have gotten to this point in your life?
I was born and raised in the small town of Charlottesville, located in central Virginia. I grew up in a single parent home where my mom, who was a hard-working, gorgeous, sensitive, and kind hearted woman raised me and my older sister and brother. She worked a lot as a nurse and thankfully my siblings helped to bring me up. I’ve always been a creative person who loved writing poetry, reading, and acting. After high school I attended George Mason University where I initially wanted to study broadcast journalism but after attending some Communications courses decided that public relations would better suit me. I graduated with a B.A. in Communication and a concentration in Public Relations which worked out to be beneficial. During my last semester of college, I discovered that I was pregnant with my daughter which completely changed the direction that I thought I was headed. Honestly, I wasn’t quite sure where I was headed but I was open to the possibilities – at the time, becoming a mom at barely 23 years old wasn’t one of them. As a recent graduate and new mom, I discovered that it wasn’t a breeze to find employment even with a degree. Thankfully, a friend from my university told me about an opportunity with the world’s largest credit union – Navy Federal Credit Union. She was working in the collections department and told me that the pay and benefits were good so I applied and got hired. After a year of working in the collections department, I saw that a public relations assistant position opened up and I applied for it. I was hired in that role which put me right at the top as an extension of the President’s office and as a representative of the organization. I was determined, dynamic and ready to advance my career. I learned so much in that position and within my first year I pitched the media and received my first byline piece; wrote a feature article, provided commentary to media outlets on behalf of the organization; spoke at a conference, managed the Corporate Donations budget; and sat in Executive meetings. I was with the company for 5 years and during that time, I came up with the concept for Striking Statements. My mission has always been to help others express themselves in a way that allows them to feel truly seen and heard. I recognized that it doesn’t matter who you are, what your title is or where you’re from, everyone has a specific, special message to share. When I first started Striking Statements, the goal was to help others make memorable statements to their loved ones through curated events to celebrate special milestones. I left my role in Public Relations in 2008 after becoming pregnant with my son. I desired to take the leap to do my own business but was afraid so after becoming pregnant with my second child, I took it as a sign to take some time to take care of my kids whom I had the support of their father, and pursue Striking Statements. What I could not have foreseen was that 2008 would be a pivotal and heartbreaking year, and the one that forever changed my perception of life and my place within it. My son was born with a rare genetic disorder called Trisomy 13 and he lived for six months and my relationship ended dramatically. After taking a year hiatus from most things except taking care of my daughter, I discovered the magical world of online marketing. I was amazed at how many creative people were monetizing their genius and the unique ways that they were packaging and promoting them. Shortly after, I made the decision to help entrepreneurs make Striking Statements by offering copywriting and messaging services. Later in 2009 I had the opportunity to do work as a Michelle Obama look alike which was such an honor and a fun way to make money. My journey continued and I later re-entered the corporate world after my mom passed away. It was just a bit too much for me to keep up with solopreneur work while grieving and being a mom. I was a Sales Manager within the travel and hospitality industries for several years which provided some pretty dreamy experiences which included trips to Singapore and Europe. I never completely let go of Striking Statements because I knew that it was something special, a vehicle that I could use to help others and myself along the way. Fast forward to 2018 and I have relocated from the DC metro area to San Diego with my husband and daughter. The move was a welcome change and it’s where I began to build my business up to a whole new level. Today, Striking Statements helps ambitious, socially aware entrepreneurs, brands and small businesses package their expertise, personality, and values into a Striking personal brand. Striking Statements get you NOTICED, REMEMBERED & PAID to be who you are while doing what you love.

Meet Keasha Lee Ince
Q3. What advice would you give to someone looking to get their brand noticed?
Having a powerful personal brand comes down to 3 things: Mindset, Self-Image, and Messaging. The first way to get noticed is by discovering what your “IT factor” is. That way of BEing and Doing that only you can do. Once you discover your IT factor, you must tap into it and leverage it to lead the way in all the ways that you show up. Your self-image should reflect who you are becoming versus where you are and your messaging should definitely speak the language of your ideal audiences and customers so that you can attract the RIGHT opportunities to you.

Quote By: Keasha Lee Ince
Q4. What is one of your most treasured accomplishments?
Definitely being a great mother! Motherhood is one of life’s greatest adventures. It is fulfilling but also precarious and challenging. It creates so much growth as an individual if you are wise enough to see it.

Meet Keasha Lee Ince
Q5. Tell how you process workload stress or personal stress or just too much coming at you at one time? Ex: Exercise, Meditation, Journal or all the above.
I became fascinated with personal development, spirituality, and energy healing more than a decade ago. A big reason was to understand how to help myself navigate my own suffering – and to adopt a way of being along with tools that could help me get through the challenges of life faster and with more self-awareness. I use a combination of journaling, yoga, exercise, listening to positive affirmations or music that lifts my spirits, and meditation. I recently became a certified Kundalini yoga teacher!

Keasha Lee Ince and Kundalini
What is your Personal Process?
I express gratitude every day for at least one thing. Once I do that, more things to be grateful and appreciative of come to mind which is just the way it should be. That way, it puts things into perspective for me. I was dreaming of being in the place that I’m at right now as recently as a year and a half ago. I’m blessed.

Keasha Lee Ince and Kundalini

Keasha Lee Ince and Kundalini
Q6. Do you have any copywriting secrets that you swear by?
Absolutely! Writing as if you’re talking to a friend of a good friend – never to a crowd. Writing copy in this way takes away the extreme or awkward formality because you’re writing to someone who shares the same friend as you. This means, they most likely have a similar attitude, viewpoint or preferences as you. It gives you an opportunity to be yourself, but you’re not at the point where you’re telling them your inappropriate jokes.

Keasha Lee Ince
Q7. Do you believe there is some sort of pattern or formula to becoming successful, you are killing it?
The only pattern that I can attest to is that of not giving up. On the journey you may have to rest, pause or redirect your efforts or path. But when you are adamant about living a purposeful life, about attaining the vision that you so desire for yourself and loved ones, giving up isn’t an option.

Keasha Lee Ince
Q8. If you could speak to one woman from history, who would it be?
It would be Cicely Tyson. I adore her for her tenacity, beauty, acting talent, courage, grace, wit, discernment and choosing to live a creatively expressed life. She has proclaimed that her life was Divinely Guided and I believe that to be true for me as well.
May that Queen continue to thrive in heavenly peace.

Words By Keasha Lee Ince
Q9. Favorite quote:
“We teach people how to treat us” ~ Maya Angelou

Quote By: Keasha Lee Ince
Q10. I want to have a little fun and get to know you a little more👇🏽
Check out fun preferences below and pick one or the other:
- Gold, Silver or Platinum: Gold
- Coffee or Tea: Coffee
- Gucci or Balenciaga: Gucci
- Fresh Flowers or Artificial: Fresh flowers
- Red Lips or Pink Lips:Red lips
- Reading or Audible: Reading

Keasha Lee Ince
Q11. Where can we find you?
▪️Website: HERE
▪️Instagram: HERE
▪️Facebook: HERE
▪️Twitter: HERE
▪️LinkedIn: HERE
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