Featured Entrepreneur: Dr. Nina
Interviewed by: Anna De La Rosa
Photo Credits: Dr. Nina Savelle-Rocklin

Episode: 8

Words can’t describe how excited I was when having the opportunity to interview this amazing Doctor!!!!!!!

Dr. Nina stands alone when it comes to food, weight and body image issues and not to mention her program is absolutely #1!!!!!!!!!  CHECK IT OUT HERE

Dr. Nina Savelle-Rocklin is a psychoanalyst, author, speaker and internationally-recognized expert in weight, food and body image issues. She has been featured in the Los Angeles Times, Prevention, Real Simple, Huffington Post and many other publications, and is a frequent guest expert at summits, podcasts, radio and events. Dr. Nina helps people lose weight without dieting by focusing on what’s eating “at” them instead of what they are eating. In addition to her clinical practice, she writes an award-winning blog, Make Peace With Food, hosts a popular podcast, Win The Diet War with Dr. Nina, and offers “food for thought” on her video series, The Dr. Nina Show. Her book, Food For Thought, on the understanding and treatment of eating disorders, is an Amazon bestseller.


Q1. What did you want to be growing up?

At different times, I wanted to be a dancer, a bestselling novelist, and an ambassador to Russia.

Q2. With being a woman entrepreneur we are always learning and growing from mentors, authors and trial & error, what is the best piece of advice that you have gotten to date as you have been growing your empire and contributing to your success?

The best piece of advice was to trust myself and to ignore the haters.

One of my mentors also advised me to continue to do scholarly writing, not just focus on the mainstream public. The result is my new book, Food For Thought, a crossover book about eating disorders that is accessible to anyone, not just clinicians or psychoanalysts.

Q3. What is the worst?


When I opened my private practice, everyone told me that it was a mistake to specialize in eating disorders, that I should not have a website, and under no circumstances should I disclose my personal history of eating disorders on that website. I ignored all of this advice!

Q4. YOU HAVE BEEN COVERING SEVERAL IMPORTANT TOPICS below that many suffer from and have been trying to find a solution.  I know as a business owner I wear lots of hats and then you come home and you are mom, friend etc… And it gets stressful. Can you tell us more about the below and then how the audience can get more info on them.?

*Cracking the code of emotional eating:

  • Often, what you think of as a “trigger food” actually points to the true trigger, the underlying emotion, need, or conflict.
  • Foods that are sweet and smooth and creamy, such as Ice cream, frozen yogurt, pudding, and suggest a longing for comfort, for soothing and nurturing.
  • If ice cream is your go-to food, then it is likely you’re in need of comforting, nurturing and soothing.
  • Foods that are filling, breads, pasta, cake, and pizza are correlated to loneliness, since they are bulky and fill an internal void.
  • If you crave these types of “filling” foods, that’s a clue you may be feeling deprived, empty, or lonely and using food to symbolically fill up.
  • Foods that are crunchy, like chips, pretzels, even apples – anything with a CRUNCH! – are associated with anger. If crunchy foods are the ones you turn to most, you may be angry, frustrated, annoyed or anxious.

*Create an appetite for life (instead of giving into the appetite for junk food

  • When you are preoccupied with food and weight, your life feels very small.    Creating an appetite for life means expanding your world, being hungry for experiences, for love, for connections, and for all of what makes life worth living.

*Win the diet war

  • Diets fail because on some level they are about deprivation and that always leads to overeating or bingeing.  That’s because the anticipation of not being able to eat what you want WILL make you want it more.
  • And if you’re thinking about not having pizza or pasta or ice cream, then you’ve pizza or pasta or ice cream on the brain, all day.  And that puts the focus on the wrong thing, which is WHAT you’re eating, instead of WHY you’re eating.
  • Ultimately, diets fail because they only deal with food.

*Diets do not address the underlying conflicts that make you turn to food in the first place.  There are many reasons why that might be happening.

  • Eating for comfort
  • For distraction
  • To numb yourself against difficult feelings
  • And more.But most importantly, dieting keeps you in a perpetual battle with yourself.
  • The key to change is to stop dieting and start tuning into what’s eating “at” you.  When you deal with the true problem, you won’t use food to cope.

PS:  Also stay tuned for the rest of our amazing interview in my upcoming book.



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