Photo By: Cappadocia Photographer
My Darlings,
Happy Labor Day❣️
This week we are joined by Miss Moscow 2016 from Kyiv, Ukraine. We met back in 2017 and I have loved watching her growth. Not to mention, having her apart of my journey all these years.
Now let’s dive deep into our amazing interview💛🌼🎙✍🏽

Photo By: Cappadocia Photographer
Maria Furdychka
Model + Miss Moscow 2016
Featured Entrepreneur: Maria Furdychka – Model + Miss Moscow 2016
Interviewed by: Anna Svetlik De La Rosa
Episode: # 69
Date: 09/05/2021

Photo By: Cappadocia Photographer
Q1. What did you want to be growing up?
As far as I can remember, I always wanted to become a successful woman with an outstanding personality! At the young age of 5 years old, I started dancing and loved being on stage. I would imagine myself early in my childhood of being a model/actress. My parents liked when I would play dress up and perform for them at our home. Another interest of mine was studying. I started school earlier than the other children, I was 5….and I knew I would incorporate business into my life somewhere.

Meet Maria Furdychka
Q2. Tell us all about how you became a Model and what was the reason you wanted to be on the runway?
Growing up my father would always call me in to watch beauty contests on tv with him. I would visualize that was me on stage and knew one day that would be me. My father and I would discuss watching me on tv, participating in beauty pageants and how he could already see me as a model in the future.

Meet Maria Furdychka
Q3. What is one of your most treasured accomplishments?
For me, saving other woman’s lives!
I was able to personally experience this in Bali and it was an indescribable feeling! This was a very proud moment in my life.

Meet Maria Furdychka
Q4. What is your favorite quote?
When I was a child I always said:
“What doesn’t kill me , makes me stronger”.
But, Now I would say :
“You get in life what you have courage to ask for”.

Meet Maria Furdychka
Q5. Tell us several things that light you up inside?
Love and happiness lights me up on the inside. Having a chance to display it in every area of my life and live on this amazing planet is so fulfilling.

Photo By: Cappadocia Photographer
Q6. How did you prep for Miss Moscow and then after you won Miss Moscow 2016 👑?
To prep, I actually spent a lot of time in a gym because I wanted to be very fit on stage.
First training would be a 2 hour cardio session every morning before work.
Second training I did in the evening after work. I also had dancing sessions preparing my talent show for the contest. At the time, I worked in a marketing department and worked all my training around my work schedule. When I won, my very first thought was, my father would be proud of me!

Meet Maria Furdychka
Q7. What is your Morning or Evening Spiritual practice that helps you either get your day started or helps you destress at the end of the day?
Morning meditations and yoga is a must for me daily.
My friend Russel Simmons, created an app that I love to do called “meditation made it simple”
Q8. You are officially named Top Russian Beauty 2017 LA/NYC/Bali/Moscow, what has changed in your life since you have been named that amazing title?
While I was in New York I received the official title:
“ Top Russian Beauty “
I ended up exploring the US more and loved it.
Then I set out to permanently live in Bali for modeling which is what satisfied me the most. While in Bali, I became even more focused on a healthy lifestyle and my spirituality. I then realized that I wanted to help others with the same and assist them in becoming the best version of themselves.
Being Healthy and having Self Love is the new sexy!

Meet Maria Furdychka
Q9. If you could talk to one woman from history, who would it be and why?
Coco Chanel…..
She was determined, charismatic, confident in herself and a powerful woman on mission!

Quote by: Coco Chanel
Q10. Please share with our tribe of Women, one piece of advice you have received which has helped you throughout your journey & continues to help you?
Our life is all about energy!
In short, what you put out into the Universe you get back.
It’s very important for women to create positive energy by staying healthy, happy and love themselves first.
Earth is one of the most powerful sources so if you need a energetic boost, you can spend time in nature to ground yourself.
I do and it helps so much.
Other things that help me is staying positive, having self care rituals, eating healthy and mediating daily.
Follow Maria’s Adventures 👇🏽
📲Instagram: HERE

Meet Maria Furdychka
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