Meet Molly Dare Hillenbrand
O Hey Beautiful❤️
My next BLOG Feature is more than a trailblazing boss babe.
Meet Molly Dare Hillenbrand and just go FOLLOW all of her platforms to see exactly what I’m talking about.
See links at the end of our interview💕🌸🎙✍🏽
Let’s dive deep into this interview immediately❤️😍🎙✍🏽
Thank you again Molly for your supporting me for all these years😍

Molly Dare Hillenbrand
Holly Dare Hillenbrand,
Entrepreneur + PR Maven + Media Personality + Founder of @hillenbrandmedia + Host of @onairwithmollydare

Molly Dare Hillenbrand
Featured Entrepreneur: Molly Dare Hillenbrand – Entrepreneur + PR Maven + Media Personality + Founder of @hillenbrandmedia + Host of @onairwithmollydare
Interviewed by: Anna Svetlik De La Rosa
Episode: # 66
Date: 08/02/2021

Molly Dare Hillenbrand
Q1. What did you want to be growing up?
I always wanted to be a teacher up until high school and then it changed to a criminal lawyer up until college. My professor my first semester was not the nicest and it totally tuned me off from pursuing law and so ended up majoring in clinical psychology!

Molly Dare Hillenbrand
Q2. Tell us all about you and the story of how you have gotten to this point in your life?
I learned at the ripe old age of 12 that life can throw you some pretty serious curveballs. I was diagnosed with lyme’s disease that year. It ended up being such a severe case, that it took years and many hospitals before they were successfully able to treat it. I endured many painful months/years as I went to school with an IV during middle school and had nurses administering medicine every morning and evening. Looking back I can remember praying at night (and I wasn’t really the religious type) that if God would get me through this I promised I wouldn’t take one day for grated and live it to my fullest.
Somehow I made it through and went on to college and moved to new york city right after. I had a desire to experience everything. I first worked down on Wall Street and then after 9/11, I decided to do what I loved and started teaching kindergarten during the day while working as a PR agent for a small independent music label in the evenings. After a few years I got married and had my two beautiful girls and moved out of the city and to the suburbs.
Another curveball thrown in there with a divorce and suddenly a single mom of two girls. I had opened a retail store in our hometown but now I knew I had to take it to the next level and opened a 2nd location in my favorite city of Chicago. This is where I fell in love with PR & Marketing. These stores were my 3rd and 4th child and I worked tirelessly to promote them and make them successful. My two girls helped me in the stores and we would fly back and forth between NJ and Chicago and they saw what went into running your own business and all the marketing that goes along with it. We had such a fun time with those stores and definitely some of my favorite memories.
But, as it would turn out, another curve ball headed my way. I ended up having to move to Florida to keep the kids close to their dad who was expanding his business down there and closed up my stores, sold my home and started our new chapter in Florida. I gave myself a 6 month grace period to figure out what I was going to do in this new place as it was a very last minute decision and after making sure my girls were okay I knew I had to figure out what was next for me. During this time I was helping other friends get their businesses started and market their ideas and after one kept referring me another and then another – hillenBRAND Media was born.
At first, it was solely teaching others how to market their business through social media platforms, but then turned into me producing video segments to market through various tv and social media outlets. It is here that I found my true passion – at the ripe old age of 38! There was nothing I loved more than getting the owner in front of the camera and selling their passion directly to their customer. Hearing the passion in their voice as they described their journey and their “why” and showcasing what they do proved to be hugely successful for their business because no one can sell their passion better than you can.
I have been producing ever since, which leads me to my latest venture. I start my own podcast and series highlighting incredible entrepreneurs, visionaries, thought leaders and their inspiring journeys.

Quote By: Molly Dare Hillenbrand
Q3. What do you think are the three biggest mistakes women make when it comes to achieving their goals?
- Firstly, I believe women make it trying to fit in a mold of what they think they ‘should be’ versus what they are. It is your uniqueness that makes you shine so put a spotlight on your authenticity and what makes you different!
- Secondly, thinking that “putting yourself out there” is about ego. Self-promotion is not ego centric. You work so hard every day chasing your dream and NO ONE can deliver that passion and drive better than you can. Your message and your story needs to come from you – that is not ego, that is engaging authentically with your audience. It shows confidence that you believe in what you are doing and others will be confident in you too.
- Lastly, I think the biggest mistake women make is thinking they need to do it all on their own. I have yet to meet one person who is perfect at everything. Every successful milestone I have had along my journey has been thanks to a team of people who have supported my vision. We need to own our blindspots and find a team of people that cover them and help us reach our goals. You are definitely more powerful and effective with a team than you are on you.

Molly Dare Hillenbrand
Q4. What is one of your most treasured accomplishments?
My most treasured accomplishment are my two girls. They are the reason why I have chased my dreams and never given up because I know they are watching me and if i can teach them that no matter what life throws at you, that you can make it through than I will feel successful.

On Air with Molly Dare
Q5. Tell how you process work load stress or personal stress or just to much coming at you at one time? Ex:
Exercise, Meditation, Journal or all the above.
What is your Personal Process?
As a working single mother of two teenagers, I can tell you that stress is a huge element of my life. I have found that a consistent schedule in the morning helps start the day on the right foot. I wake up at the same time every day – get my morning coffee, sit outside and enjoy it with my dogs. It centers and calms me before a non-stop day ahead.
But mostly, it is humor. have chosen to have people in my daily life that have the ability to not get worked up over things. I can find the humor in just about any situation. I truly believe, if you don’t take yourself too seriously, at the end of the day, nothing is that big of a deal. As long as everyone in my life is healthy.

Molly Dare Hillenbrand
Q6. Do you have any beauty secrets to your amazing?
My beauty secret is laughter – lots of it.
I really try not too stress and to enjoy the entrepreneurial journey as much as possible. I surround myself with people who enjoy life and its up and downs as much as I do and that helps keep me young.
Lastly, I never wear make up unless I’m going out or on camera. If I’m just around the home or running errands or doing stuff with my kids I’m make up free and giving my face a break from the heavy on camera make up.

Girl Time
Q7. Do you believe there is some sort of pattern or formula to becoming successful?
No, I believe success comes at its own pace with every person. Because what it means to be successful for me, may be different than what success means to you.
For me success is waking up each day loving what you do, feeling good about what you have accomplished that day. Some people put a price tag on what “success” means and I truly don’t have a number in my head or a monetary goal. There is a big difference in the happiness you feel when buying something frivolous versus the internal happiness you feel in making a positive difference in someones life.
That level of success is forever, a superficial success is fleeting.

Molly Dare Hillenbrand
Q8. If you could speak to one woman from history, who would it be?
It can be anyone, if I could speak to one woman from history it would be Princess Diana. I grew up thinking she was amazing and watching everything about her just like the rest of the world. I was in awe of her elegance and so touched by the amazing way she impacted and genuinely cared for those less fortunate. She clearly didn’t care about her title as much as she cared about impacting humanity and I think we could still use a lot more like her these days.

Molly Dare Hillenbrand
Q9. Briefly tell us about your podcast “On Air with Molly Dare” What are you enjoying about it since you rolled it out?
I love sharing inspiring content of those who have successfully pivoted during these unprecedented time. The guests that have been on, give such amazing advice on overcoming adversity and how they lead with strength. We drop a lot of gems, a little humor and inspiration one episode at a time.

Molly Dare Hillenbrand
Q10. In several words, what is hillenBRAND Media?
hillenBRAND Media consists of filming segments with some amazing entrepreneurs, thought leaders and inspiring people from all over the world.

On Air with Molly Dare – Guest: Heather Monahan
Q11. Favorites:
- What is your favorite podcast and why? Ooh I have so many – I love the comical ones like Be There in Five& Heather Monahan but also love being inspired by podcasts like Vishen Lakhiani of MindValley
- Favorite food? Avocado
- Favorite quote?
My mission in life is not merely to survive but to thrive. And to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor and some style – Maya Angelou
- Favorite movie? Bridesmaids, Terms of Endearment, Dead Poets Society

Hillenbrand Media
Q12. Let’s have alittle fun:
Check out fun preferences below👇
▫Pick one or the other:
Wilma or Betty (Flintstones): Wilma
Gold or Silver: Silver
Tom or Jerry: Jerry
Dogs or Cats: Dogs
Chanel or Valentino: Chanel
Sweet or Salty: Sweet
Pancakes or waffles: Pancakes
Phone Call or Text: Text
Sausage or Bacon: Bacon
iOS or Android: iOS
Diamonds or Pearls: Diamond’s
Netflix or YouTube: Netflix
Reading Books or Audible Books – Reading books
Instagram or Twitter: Instagram
Toilet paper: 1 ply or 2 ply: 2 ply
Red or Pink: Red
Iced Coffee or Hot Coffee: Iced
Country Life or City Life: City
Comedy Movie or Action Movie: Comedy

On Air with Molly Dare
Where can you find More on Molly👇🏽
Molly Dare Hillenbrand Is An Entrepreneur, Pr Maven, And Media Personality Known For Her Company, Hillenbrand Media And Her Recently Launched Podcast “On Air With Molly Dare”
Inspired By Her Own Courageous Journey, Love For Connecting With Others And Having Meaningful Conversations, Molly Believes Everyone Has A Story And She Is Here To Share It.
(See full bio online)
Website: HERE
Molly Dare Links: HERE
Podcast “On Air with Molly Dare” HERE
Molly Dare Hillenbrand Instagram: HERE
Hillenbrand Media Instagram: HERE
On Air w/ Molly Dare Instagram: HERE
Facebook: HERE

On Air with Molly Dare
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