Photo By: Megan DiPiero
Hey Hey There,
Summer is winding down and Hannah will be heading back to College soon, I seriously can’t believe that. Another thing that is hard to believe is, Hannah turns 20 years old in less than 5 freaking days❤️🍰🎈O my goodness how time flys when we are having fun🦋💎🤍
Today I’m soooo excited for my next guest to share her story. There is nothing that lights me up more than connecting with strong determined women and celebrating their successes.
Meet Laine Torres – Photographer + Founder of Laine Torres Photography, LLC
Thank you so much Laine for being apart of my community, my various platforms and sharing your inspiring journey.
Please help me welcome my next guest✍🏽✨

Photo By: Megan DiPiero
Laine Torres
Photographer + Founder of Laine Torres Photography, LLC

Photo By: Megan DiPiero
Featured Entrepreneur: Laine Torres – Photographer + Founder of Laine Torres Photography, LLC
Interviewed by: Anna Svetlik De La Rosa
Episode: #99
Date: 08/3/2022

Photo By: Megan DiPiero
Q1. What did you want to be growing up?
Amongst many other things, I dreamed of being a bus driver when I was a child! I also have loved all things paper since I can remember, so I often pretended to be a teacher with all my dolls as students, a sales clerk who filled out endless receipts, and a secretary with a desk job so I could spend all day around office supplies.

Photo By: Megan DiPiero
Q2. Tell us about you –
I was born and raised in Brazil but have made Minnesota my home for over 16 years now. I married the kindest man I have ever met and we have one son who is 3 and a half (Tommy) and another one on the way (Benny). I have worked as a professional photographer for the past 11 years, and I specialize in personal branding photography and professional headshots. My studio is in our home in Ramsey, MN, but I photograph wherever it makes sense for my clients. I consider myself to be funny, loyal, and very honest. My favorite hobbies are photography (of course), traveling, reading, eating, gardening (weather permitting), and watching all kinds of shows, especially true crime documentaries. I am terrified of ghosts and aliens! I also avoid all wild rides at amusement parks, unfortunately. I used to ride them all, but as I aged I stopped enjoying the thrill, much rather preferring a beach day with a good book. May sound boring, but that’s my favorite place to be, and that’s what I miss most about Brazil.

Photo By: Megan DiPiero
Q3. What is one of your most treasured accomplishments?
Working for myself is definitely up there. I like being in charge of my work schedule and making work fit where life allows. I have tried so many different things, worked with so many coaches, taken classes, bought all kinds of courses, and I love where it all has landed me. I feel very happy with my life as a photographer because I truly enjoy the relationships and the results I get when working with clients. I am definitely a creative person, but there’s a system to my process – I am a control freak and results-oriented person, and, as someone with very high standards, I always feel the need to do my best. It’s rewarding to be recognized for that, and I feel lucky!

Laine and Her Son
Q4. Tell how you process work load stress or personal stress or just to much coming at you at one time? Ex: Exercise, Meditation, Journal, EFT Tapping, Running, Creating or all the above.
I tend to process thoughts and feelings verbally, so I often reach out to my spouse, friends, and family members, and share the things I am going through. My self-care routine includes journaling, long showers, reading, and watching movies and TV shows. I also love driving, so you’ll often find me roaming around nice neighborhoods and long streets – actually, I do that all the time! LOL

Photo By: Megan DiPiero
Q5. What is one thing you can advise someone to do if they wanted to start a career in photography?
Find someone who is where you want to be and pay them to teach you. Having a mentor/coach is the best shortcut to achieving success. You may have to try lots of different approaches until you find your way, but learning from someone who is walking the talk is invaluable. It’s hard to come up with money to grow when we need to grow to make money, but sometimes we think we’re saving money when we are actually wasting time. If I had to start over, I would seek out mentorship much sooner!

Meet Laine Torres
Q6. Do you have a secret or strategy on what makes an amazing photo shoot?
I don’t think it’s a secret, but a necessity, to prepare, prepare, and then prepare some more for a photo session. I am not a natural listener, so I actively work on improving that skill. I think the best photographers (and service providers, in general) are those who listen best. I learned that I am successful when my clients are, so I work hard on listening and understanding what they need so I can deliver that in photos. When all has been discussed and understood, the client and I both know what we need to do to have a great session, and everything flows far more easily.

Photo By: Megan DiPiero
Q7. What lights you up on the inside?
Spending time with loved ones is what I cherish the most in this world. Sharing experiences, reminiscing, laughing. Once you leave your whole family, friends, and hometown behind, as I did when I moved from Brazil, you learn how much they’re worth. I miss them dearly. Also, isn’t your time the most precious thing you own? It’s so limited! Sharing it with someone is the biggest gift you can give!

Photo By: Megan DiPiero
Q8. Favorite quote?
Translated from Portuguese:
“Life is a bra – shove your chest in it!”
In other words: “go live!”
This quote has always made me laugh. I think it’s absolutely golden! LOL

Pointers By: Laine Torres
Q9. What are you currently working on that you would like to share more about?
I have recently started offering Personal Branding Mini Sessions, which are perfect for those who need high-quality images but just don’t have the budget to invest in a full-blown custom session yet. They are in my studio and include pro hair and makeup, along with access to discounted rates on the image bundles. It’s more than a headshot session, but less than a personal branding custom session, so it’s not a fit for everyone, but I am happy and excited to be offering it to those who need it. So far it’s been very well received!

Photo By: Megan DiPiero
Q10. Where can we find you?
Website: HERE
Instagram: HERE
Facebook: HERE
Linktree: HERE
LinkedIn: HERE

Laine Torres Photography, LLC
Megan DiPiero Website: HERE
Megan DiPiero Instagram: HERE
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