The Melissa Ambrosini Show
My Lovely’s,
September has come and will be gone in several days.
If your interested in all things health, conscious living, spirituality, entrepreneurship, relationships, and living your best life.
Then you will adore my next blog feature. All I have to say is her determination & drive will have you wanting more and that smile of hers will stop you in your tracks.
Let’s go ahead and dive deep into my next epic interview❤️😘✍🏽
Meet MELISSA AMBROSINI she is the bestselling author of Mastering Your Mean Girl and Open Wide, a keynote speaker, entrepreneur and self-love teacher. In her signature straight-talking style, Melissa teaches women how to master their inner Mean Girl, smash through limiting beliefs, and ditch the self-doubt so they can start living the life of their dreams. Named a ‘self-help guru’ by Elle Magazine her mission is to inspire women across the globe to create a heart-centered life one that’s wildly wealthy, fabulously healthy and bursting with love. You can join Melissa’s tribe of trailblazing women in the links provided at the end of our interview to read success stories that will have you so inspired, try meditation, listen to her amazing podcast and so much more…….

Meet Melissa Ambrosini
Melissa Ambrosini
Best Selling Author + #1 Podcast Host of The Melissa Ambrosini Show
Featured Entrepreneur: Melissa Ambrosini – Multiple Bestselling Author + Keynote/TEDx speaker, #1 podcast Host, and queen of Mastering your Mean Girl
Interviewed by: Anna Svetlik De La Rosa
Episode: # 71
Date: 09/29/2021
Q1. What did you want to be growing up?
I’m sure I said many different things growing up but some that I remember was an interior designer and a professional dancer which I did. I’m sure I said many more though.

Meet Melissa Ambrosini
Q2. Tell us all about you and the story of how you have gotten to this point in your life?
I believe that we create our own reality moment by moment. I have to be honest with you, though. I haven’t always been on this spiritual journey. In my ‘past life’ (as I like to call it) I was a professional dancer at the Moulin Rouge in Paris, actress, TV presenter, and the occasional model. I entertained quite a destructive path for many years which looked a lot like this…
Running around at a million miles per hour to avoid sitting with myself, moving around and living out of a suitcase, working way too much in order to ‘feel’ successful, not loving myself at all, I was highly stressed and anxious, drugs and alcohol were my go-to quick fixes, I was dealing with panic attacks and lived off champagne and canapés. And my anxiety would allow me on average four hours of sleep a night.
Living like this it was only a matter of time before my exhausted and run down body packed up and went on holidays. Along with adrenal fatigue, thyroid problems, high levels of mercury, serious hormonal imbalances, depression, an eating disorder, loads of vitamin and mineral deficiencies, SIBO, hives, candida, adult acne, eczema all over my body and a serious case of the cold sore virus, my body was screaming at me to STOP. It was sending me loud, bright red, warning signs that it had had enough. My entire immune system shut down and the severity of the cold sore virus sent me straight to the hospital. My life was a mess and I looked like a mess. I had cold sores all over my face, in my mouth and down my throat, I couldn’t eat, talk or even open my mouth. It looked like someone had taken a blow torch to my face.

Meet Melissa Ambrosini
Looking back, it was such a pivotal moment for me as the one thing I needed in order to work was my body and that was no longer working. It was the first time I realized that if you don’t have your health you’ve got nothing and you can’t do what you desire. It’s like the Universe was saying to me “you aren’t meant to be doing this anymore sweetheart and the only way you will listen is if we make you stop”.
Got the lesson!
- I realized I had to take back control of my health, my life, and my happiness.
- I realized I needed to master my inner Mean Girl if I wanted to live my dream life.
- I realized I had no idea what self love was but I had to learn it quickly.
- I realized I had to start to take radical responsibility for my own health and happiness.
- I realized I was the only person who could make the shifts.
- I realized that the decision to live my best life lay with me.
- I realized I had to stop looking outside of myself to find happiness and start to connect with my inner self, my truth, my soul, my spirit, the bigger me.
Throughout my journey I realized just how out of balance my life was in all areas and how I was always looking externally instead of internally for happiness, acceptance and approval. I was experiencing extreme emotional highs and lows and I was on a constant roller-coaster ride of sugar highs and lows.
It wasn’t fun!
This sparked a thought within me, if I was feeling like this, how many other people out there must be struggling with the same thing?
I realized I had to take back control of my health, my life, and my happiness.
So I studied at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition to get my holistic health coaching certification. I did my yoga and meditation teacher training, I studied life coaching and Acu Energetics, I read every personal development and spiritual book I could get my hands on. I attended every workshop and seminar I could, and I became obsessed with sharing everything I was remembering. I could never have imagined what has unfolded for me since then. Stuff beyond my wildest dreams.
I Was Determined To Heal Myself Naturally And Get My Health & Life Sorted.
I didn’t love myself, but I learned to fall in love with myself, how to look after myself and how to feed my mind, my body and my soul the best, most nourishing things Mother Nature has to offer. I learned how to master my inner Mean Girl and become Wildly Wealthy, Fabulously Healthy and Bursting With Love. My intention is to empower others in all areas of their life, their health, wealth and love.
To step up and to help others fall head over heels back in love with the Goddess staring at you in the mirror.

Photo By: Valeria Ramirez Photography
Q3. What do you think are the three biggest mistakes wemake when it comes to achieving goals?
I personally don’t think of anything like a mistake. I choose to see everything as opportunities for growth.
In saying that, I think 3 big areas both men and women can be more mindful of are…
- Comparing yourself to others. This is the biggest waste of time and energy and will only slow you down toward reaching your goals and dreams.
- Caring what other people think. Another big waste of time and energy. Stay in your own lane and always do what’s true for you.
- Choose love instead of fear in every moment.

Quote By: Melissa Ambrosini

Melissa Ambrosini’s New Book
Q4: What are several of your most treasured accomplishments?
- Birthing my daughter
- Marrying my husband
- Finding out I was pregnant
- Finding out I was having a girl… (I couldn’t pick just one)

Photo By: Valeria Ramirez Photography
Q5. Tell how you process workload stress or personal stress or just too much coming at you at one time? Ex: Exercise, Meditation, Journal or all the above.
What is your?
Daily meditation, yoga, fresh air, ocean swims, getting sun on my skin, moving my body, going to bed early, prioritizing self care, organization and never putting too much in my calendar so that I don’t feel overwhelmed.

Photo By: Valeria Ramirez Photography
Q6. Do you have any beauty secrets?
All of the above 😉

Meet Melissa Ambrosini
Q7. Do you believe there is some sort of pattern or formula to becoming successful, you are killing it?
Thank you so much. I truly think again all of the above have helped achieve all that I have achieved in my life.

Photo By: Valeria Ramirez Photography
Q8. If you could speak to any of the amazing womenfrom history, who would it be?
Mother Teresa and Princess Di

Meet Melissa Ambrosini
Q9. Favorites:
What is your favorite podcast and why?
Can I say my own podcast The Melissa Ambrosini Show? It’s my favorite because it’s real conversations with experts and thought leaders from all over the world on topics I love from health and wellness, entrepreneurship, mindfulness and meditation, self-love and self-care, conscious conception and parenting, soulful relationships and more, all designed to help you unlock your full potential and live your best life.
Favorite shampoo: Right now it’s Everescents
Favorite food: Vegan chocolate brownie
Favorite quote: Choose love over fear
Favorite movie: The Greatest Showman

Meet Melissa Ambrosini
Q10. Do you sing in the shower? Sometimes

Empowering Moment
Q11. I want to have a little fun with ya and share with these gorgeous ladies so they can see that there is not 1 personality or characteristic you need to be a powerhouse boss! You don’t have to be a certain way to be beautiful, successful, smart or talented, just be you!
Check out fun preferences below (pick one or the other):
- Wilma or Betty (Flintstones): Wilma
- Gold or Silver: Silver
- Tom or Jerry: Haven’t seen it
- Dogs or Cats: Dogs I’m allergic to cats
- Chanel or Valentino: Chanel
- Sweet or Salty: Sweet always
- Summer or Winter: Summer 1000%
- Pancakes or Waffles: That’s tough but I think pancakes
- Phone Call or Text: In person 😉
- Sausage or Bacon: Neither, I’m vegan
- iOS or Android: IOS hands down
- Diamonds or Pearls: Diamonds
- Netflix or YouTube: Netflix
- Reading Books or Audible Books: Both
- Instagram or Twitter: Instagram
- Iced Coffee or Hot Coffee: I don’t drink coffee
- Country Life or City Life: Country life for sure, give me that fresh air and wide open space any day
- Comedy Movie or Action Movie: Comedy all the way

Photo By: Valeria Ramirez Photography
Where to follow Melissa:
LinkedIn: HERE
Facebook: HERE
Instagram: HERE
Twitter: HERE
Pinterest: HERE
YouTube: HERE

Quote By: Melissa Ambrosini

More About Melissa
More About Melissa:
Full Bio: HERE
Multiple bestselling author, keynote and TEDx speaker, #1 podcast host, and queen of mastering your Mean Girl
We are all miracles. We are all so unique and have big beautiful hearts to share with the world. We all matter and that choosing love over fear is the best fun ever!
Gossip, sweeping things under the rug, long emails (I like to get straight to the point), not taking responsibility for my actions and rushing.
Writing, interviewing the most epic humans on earth, speaking on stages, cooking, dancing, singing (badly), having a picnic with my girlfriends or smooching my husband.
Meditation and visualization, morning cuddles and gratitude in bed with my handsome hubs, yoga, ocean swims, beach walks, nourishing food and sunshine.
I believe that we create our own reality moment by moment.
I have to be honest with you, though. I haven’t always been on this spiritual journey. In my ‘past life’ (as I like to call it) I was a professional dancer at the Moulin Rouge in Paris, actress, TV presenter, and the occasional model. I entertained quite a destructive path for many years which looked a lot like this…
Running around at a million miles per hour to avoid sitting with myself, moving around and living out of a suitcase, working way too much in order to ‘feel’ successful, not loving myself at all, I was highly stressed and anxious, drugs and alcohol were my go-to quick fixes, I was dealing with panic attacks and lived off champagne and canapés. And my anxiety would allow me on average four hours of sleep a night.
Living like this it was only a matter of time before my exhausted and run down body packed up and went on holidays.
Along with adrenal fatigue, thyroid problems, high levels of mercury, serious hormonal imbalances, depression, an eating disorder, loads of vitamin and mineral deficiencies, SIBO, hives, candida, adult acne, eczema all over my body and a serious case of the cold sore virus, my body was screaming at me to STOP. It was sending me loud, bright red, warning signs that it had had enough.
My entire immune system shut down and the severity of the cold sore virus sent me straight to the hospital. My life was a mess and I looked like a mess. I had cold sores all over my face, in my mouth and down my throat, I couldn’t eat, talk or even open my mouth. It looked like someone had taken a blow torch to my face.
Looking back, it was such a pivotal moment for me as the one thing I needed in order to work was my body and that was no longer working.
It was the first time I realized that if you don’t have your health you’ve got nothing and you can’t do what you desire. It’s like the Universe was saying to me “you aren’t meant to be doing this anymore sweetheart and the only way you will listen is if we make you stop”. Got the lesson!
So, my darling – do you love yourself? I sure as hell didn’t! But I learned to fall in love with myself, how to look after myself and how to feed my mind, my body and my soul the best, most nourishing things Mother Nature has to offer. I learned how to master my inner Mean Girl and become Wildly Wealthy, Fabulously Healthy and Bursting With Love.

The Melissa Ambrosini Show
In April 2016, I developed a Interview Series called, “The Art of Manifesting Money”, to help shift the paradigm that following your passions as a career means struggling financially. I hand-selected leading experts that shared deep, important insights about how to create change, more quickly and effectively than ever.
Melissa was also apart of my interview series. I have included our 2016 Interview Below as well.
🔻🎙In my interview with Melissa:
We cover how #mediation has helped change her life.
Also we briefly discuss her amazing book Mastering Your Mean Girl: The No-BS Guide to Silencing Your Inner Critic and Becoming Wildly Wealthy, Fabulously Healthy, and Bursting with Love. She explains, how that sneaky voice inside your head tells you that you’re not good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, whatever enough, is your Mean Girl, your ego. The pages of her book is layered with wise, searing, honest words you can actually relate to and importantly, actionable steps to help you on your own journey to self-acceptance.
“YES, you do matter!!!!!!”

The Art of Manifesting Money 2016 Interview Series
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